CAA Meeting Agenda March 6 at 7 p.m.
Wellness Conference Room
1) Welcome to any new meeting attendees. Introductions and CAA Q&A
From the Bylaws:
VII. Meetings
The Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in any meeting of this Association. The privilege of holding office, introducing motions, debating and voting shall be limited to members whose current dues are paid.
2) Reports:
President’s Report–Tara
Secretary’s report–Caitlin
○ Approval of minutes from 12/5/22 meeting
● Treasurer’s report–Christina
● Committee Reports
○ Concessions–Lisa and Ann ○ Membership–Kate
○ Publicity–Ben and Shioban
5) Annual review of the bylaws and elections
● Proposed bylaw changes (formal motion must be made and approved for any
changes to be included on the 4/3/23 agenda for a vote by the membership at
that meeting)
● Election process and timeline
6) Old Business
● Proposal for accepting electronic payment
7) New business
● Proposed events requiring funding
● Connection with coaches and the community to increase engagement 6) Adjourn